"Entertainment For Us"
Press Kit
Our Essence
We not only want to create entertaining content, but we also wish to provide a community that will enhance any enjoyment you would receive by consuming the content alone. Ultimately, we believe that we're all storytellers so why not tell a story together.
Our Name
WGC is a pun, as all good things are. It stands for With Good Company, which could mean three things: Firstly, that one is with a good company of actors. Secondly, that one is with a good company of people. Thirdly, that one is with a good company, as in a business entity. In the case of WGC, it means all three.
Contact Details
(813) 355 8458
Social Media
Facebook: @withgoodco
Instagram: @withgoodco
Twitter: @WithGoodCo
Our History
Founded by Jade Madison Scott in 2016, WGC Productions originally started as the blog With Good Co. which discussed theater, film, and television.
After rebranding in 2019, With Good Co. became WGC Productions. We are now primarily concerned with creating high-quality podcasts.
WGC's first podcast, On Their Way, is a series of interviews with up-and-coming artists who are on their way to success. It debuted August 7, 2020.
In February 2022, Small Victories was released to great accalim.
Our Founder
Jade Madison Scott is a writer from Tampa, FL. She is currently working to secure her B.F.A in Theater Arts Administration from the illustrious Howard University. Her deepest wish is to create art that resonates with people.
Featured Images
WGC Productions Logo (White Background) 2400x1600 pixels

WGC Productions QR Code (300x300 Pixels)
WGC Header With Motto 2560x1440 Pixels
Featured Artists

Jade Madison Scott, Founder 2448x3264 Pixels